Far too many people these days are concerned with adding years to their life when it would be far more productive to add life to their years instead.
The world is obsessed with extending life. Pills, gizmos, apps, dieting fads – you name it. Everyone seems to crave a longer life. The ironic part is that most of these people don’t even enjoy the life they have.
Why extend it?
Why would you want to continue living longer and longer if you’re not even making use of the years you already have.
This is what we should be obsessed with – Adding LIFE to our YEARS. Forget living a couple of years longer. Let’s actually LIVE in the first place, which will likely lead to a longer life anyways.
I know so many people who agonize over what they should be doing to live a little bit longer. They take all sorts of health and vitamin pills without taking the time to just eat better food. They stay out of the sun in hopes of not getting cancer. They say this and that will avoid getting this or that ailment. They don’t step out of comfort zones for fear of danger. They start diet fad after diet fad only to fall right back into bad habits immediately when it’s over. They buy funny bracelets that gives you ‘energy”.
The list goes on.
I have a lot of older people in my family. Many have lived to be 80, 90, and even 100. Trust me, by the time you hit 80, there is a very high chance you won’t be doing any of the things you’ve always dreamed of doing. It’s just the way it is. Living a little longer won’t help that.
Start adding years to your life now.
Why do you want to extend life?
What is it that you want to do?
What would you hate to NOT attempt before it’s too late to do so?
Who do you want to say I Love You too?
Where do you want to go?
What do you want to accomplish?
What activity have you always wanted to try?
What job have you always wanted to experience?
These are just a few of the questions we should be asking ourselves. Don’t put things off any longer. You’re alive. You’re healthy. Your mind is working. You’re smart.
Start spending 30 minutes everyday on something you’ve always want to do. If it’s starting a little business, spend 30 minutes every day towards it and it will be we’ll on it’s way in a year. If it’s a marathon, get up every morning and jog for 30 minutes. If it’s connecting more with your wife or husband, spend 30 minutes each day on an activity you both enjoy.
Whatever you do, don’t let the life you already have fade away in hopes of a distant future when everything falls into place.
It won’t.
Now is always the best time. Now is the only time.
Great post Matt! I will share it.
Thanks Jacob