We all know someone who has said something like “I’m gonna quit smoking after 1 more pack” or “I’ll start eating better next week” and so on and so forth. It might even be you.
What were forgetting is that NOW is the only time that matters. Waiting just puts something on the back burner until its forgotten about.
I know a guy who wants to write a book about his childhood. He’s not doing it to become a bestseller. He just wants to write it because his life was really interesting and very different than how we live today. He has been putting it off for 4 years. Yet, when I told him to start writing NOW, he said “I should of done it 4 years ago and it would have been done”.
True. He should have started it 4 years ago but who cares! That time is gone and isn’t coming back. I wonder if he is going to start it now or tell me the same thing in another 4 years.
Time doesn’t wait. So what is something you have been putting off for years or something your always coming up with an excuse for? Commit to it NOW!
Don’t wait for one more pack of cigarettes to stop smoking. Stop NOW!
Don’t put off a diet just because your going on a vacation in a month. Start NOW!
Don’t wait to invest just because you think you need to earn more. Even $25/Mth helps. Start NOW!
If you want to start writing, start NOW!
Always wanted to learn about photography? Start NOW!
Been wanting to ask someone out? Do it NOW!
Do you really want to keep telling yourself the same promises over and over again?
Saying you shoulda, woulda, coulda doesn’t help unless you use it to force yourself to start NOW!
What are you waiting for?