Have you ever considered turning your life upside down?
Maybe making an erratic change like moving to an entirely new city and leaving everything you knew behind even if just for a little while?
My girlfriend is in the process of turning her life upside down right now.
It takes a lot of guts to make immense changes to your lifestyle and the one word that came to mind when I think of her latest decision to move to Canada is:
For the last 2 years, we have been in a long distance relationship after meeting in Canada during a semester of university. Aside from the short 2 months we knew each other in school, the longest we have spent together since then has been about 10 days. 10 days is the longest we have seen each other consecutively in 2 years. Now she is moving here.
Actually, it’s terrifying for her. Despite many of us who hate our jobs, she actually enjoyed hers and loved the people she worked with. Karla had a great job working in the marketing department for a Fortune 500 company. This is a great job to give up in Mexico City. Now she is coming to Canada. Just like that, everything will change. Her job, family, friends, and the way of life will all be different. What makes it scarier for her is she is coming here with just $1000 to her name and won’t be able to work in Canada for at least a year due to immigration laws.
Of course! This is part of the reason she is taking a risk and turning her life upside down. She realizes that life is short and without adventure and excitement, life will just go on the same until that fateful hour. She wants to experience new adventures, meet new people, and experience things that she never would have back home. She will also get to know me much better in person than through Skype.
As we talked about this over the phone, we both asked the question “What’s scarier? Growing old in the same lifestyle and same job wondering what could have been or taking a chance when a dream or opportunity presents itself?” We agreed that the former is much more terrifying and easily repaired if the adventure doesn’t pan out.
I love the fact that she is making a bold and scary move in her life and completely pushing her boundaries. That’s why I featured her story on this site. It inspired me to think about more ways to turn my life upside down in the future and create more excitement and memories for down the road.
What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but are to scared to give it a try?
I don’t know what your circumstances are but one question that has always helped me is “What’s the worst case scenario?” It’s usually not that bad.
What’s holding you back?
Don’t let little things hold you back like waiting for friends or the “perfect” moment as those things will likely never happen. Find out what’s holding you back and push it out of the way or figure out a way around it.
How can you turn your world upside down?
There’s never a better time than the present.
Just for fun, here is a song that sings about turning the world upside down. If you like the site, please share it with friends. That’s my inspiration. you can also subscribe and receive free updates.
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