Nothing made more sense to me than the concept of the New Rich when I read about it in “The 4-Hour Work Week”. Although I had always had this mindset, reading it from Tim’s book clarified that I wasn’t alone. I always had thoughts creep up in my mind that this thinking was stupid and I should get into the work force and work until retirement like most people. After reading the book though, I realized that these thoughts were wrong and it wasn’t just me thinking of a different way of living life. People are already living this lifestyle and I love everything about it.
I have never been able to make sense out of working my ass off during the healthiest part of my life only to retire and finally enjoy life when I’m too old to do most of things I want to do. Not to mention that after 30-40 years of slugging away, most of my hobbies will have dissapeared.
People work so hard doing jobs they don’t enjoy and leaving very little time for the things they do like or the people they love. If one could just focus all this energy creating a business around a passion or solving something the world needs, automating it, and using the internet to dispense it, then life could be enjoyed all the time.
One just needs to realize what they love and focus on ways to make it happen more. Even if you like your job, there are ways to create more free time, and use that for things you enjoy.
The new rich are those who abandon the deferred-life plan and create luxury lifestyles in the present using the currency of the new rich: time & mobility. This is an art and a science that Tim Ferriss refers to as lifestyle design.
People don’t want to be millionaires. They want to experience what they believe only millions can buy.
Once you come up with the things you want to do, you will almost always realize that a million dollars is not needed to accomplish them.
More will be written on the subject down the road but a great book to check out on the subject is “The Four Hour Work Week” by Tim Ferriss.
Please note: This article was written many years ago when I was just getting started in the online world. My writing has come along way (I actually get paid to write now) so I encourage you to check out more of my blog and see the difference. Don’t wait to be perfect. Start now and you’ll be impressed by how far you come in the next 12 months!
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I also see a day where I may be able to be paid for writing, however, Im still figuring out my Why of writing