A while back I learned the importance of saying yes. Saying yes to challenges that scared me. As a teenager who was to shy to step outside the box in case I embarrassed myself, I constantly limited all my opportunities in life. Little fears that I had would stay fears because I was to shy or embarrassed to challenge them head on. Then I realized how important it was to say yes to doing things that scared me, facing my fears, and growing as a result.
What’s something that scares you that you have always wanted to do?
Since I was a kid, I had always liked being in front of the camera. I always wanted to be in a movie. Whether I was a good actor or not could be argued but either way, I was to shy to get out there and just give it a shot. So what I did was enroll in a public speaking course. My theory was that if I felt comfortable speaking in front of a crowd, I would be more comfortable acting in front of a camera. Thanks to the little boost in self-confidence and my aptitude for throwing myself into anything, I started looking for small acting gigs.
The biggest example to date was this past summer when I auditioned and received a leading role in an independent student feature comedy movie. Since it would be my first time speaking in a movie with people I didn’t know, I was a little nervous. However, after a couple days and getting to know everyone, It went awesome and was no issue at all. I had a great time and can’t wait to see the finished product.
While going through this process, I was thinking how acting on a stage must be way more frightening than acting on camera. you have to memorize lines and you can’t simply yell cut. You have to be on every night and there are people watching your every move. It scares the hell out of me.
So why not do it right? That’s what I thought. About 3 weeks ago I went and auditioned for a comedy christmas play happening in Okotoks. Realizing I don’t have the vocals for live theatre, I didn’t think I had a chance but thanks to my great skills and a very low turnout, I got the part of the policeman. Now, you might think that’s crazy enough but it actually gets worse. In act 3, I become hypnotized and start stripping down to my boxers. I tear off my police jacket and shirt and then rip away the velcro-sided pants I’ll be wearing as I do a “sexy” stripper dance to the music from The Full Monty. Now might be a good time to get back into the gym.
Wow, talk about nervous. My sister told me “You jumped out of a plane so it shouldn’t be that hard” but this is different. This involves taking off my clothes while acting in my first play in front of a paying audience.
As scared as I am, I accepted the part and have been rehearsing 3 days a week. The play starts in November and runs for 3 weeks straight. I’m also going to miss the last 5 rehearsals as I head to Japan. I hope my memory doesn’t fail.
I figure when it’s all done, I’ll be that much more self-confident and ready to toss myself into more fear-inducing experiences and see what new opportunities unfold. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll see me in a movie with Seth Rogen. That would be very sweet.
What’s something that scares you that you have always wanted to do? Maybe something you have wanted to do since being a kid but have been to shy or embarrassed to try it. Maybe you think you don’t have the talent.
Trust me. There’s no harm in trying. Don’t worry about what others may think. Your biggest critic is yourself. If it’s something really big, just take some smaller steps to get warmed up for it but never lose site of that goal. When your done you will feel amazingly self-confident and empowered. Then you’ll be ready for your next challenge!
Write it below in the comments. I’ll be sure to write back and convince you to do it! Maybe others reading this have done it as well and can help you through it. The first step is revealing it so we can hold you accountable 🙂
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I thoroughly enjoyed this post. I love your sense of humor and your willingness to pur yourself out there. Wish I could see the performance. Make sure somebody videotapes it!
In my 20’s I was afraid of everything. In my 30’s afraid of only 50% of everything. Now in my early 60’s I’m afraid of only 25% – so it does get better and better if you work it. And it’s clear that you’re workin’ it. Good for you.
haha yes it’s true isn’t it. I remember being shy to do a lot of things in my teens simply because of popularity status or whatever it’s called. Not wanting to be judged unfavorably. Even now, in my 20’s, I don’t care nearly as much about that stuff anymore. There was a good line in a song I posted about before that said “the race is long but in the end, it’s only with yourself” So true 🙂
Hey there, Matt. I say, “right on.” A few years ago, I had to make an important decision for my business. The time had come to decide and I didn’t know which way to go. I decided, “You know what? I’m not comfortable making this decision. I’m not going to do it.” Immediately, relief washed through me. “Cool, that was easy. I feel better already!” “No, Paul,” my other personality said, “Because you feel uncomfortable about taking the leap, that’s all the more reason why you should do it. The greatest growth comes when you’re willing to take the risk.” “Aw, man!” said the first personality. “You’re right!” So I leapt. And the actual outcome doesn’t even matter…but the realization that we have to have courage, that’s the important learning.
Paul! Good to hear from you! haha that’s a good point. Courage is really important in everything we do. I feel so relieved that I gave it a shot and it’s actually been going really well. The audience loves it and I’m going to miss it when it’s all over this weekend. Now I’m going to audition for more roles and see where it takes me. I might do a short road trip to Portland next year as well so If I can make it a bit further into Northern Cali, I will give you a shout!
OK Matt as your director I have to say I was very impressed – this quiet shy young man that I gave the part to turned into a strip-teasing policeman far too easily! And even though throughout rehearsal I kept saying “speak up” and “louder – you need to be MUCH louder” – when it came to the show you came though – loud and proud my friend – loud and proud! I would give you a role any time.
haha Wow. Thanks for always giving me the confidence to go back on. I was surprised myself that my voice came through haha. I’d love to do another!
Most of us live in the shadows of life coming out into the sunlight for brief periods to recharge our spirit before the day to day of living clouds over us again. My personal mantra this past year has been I CHOOSE LIFE-and for good reason after my life so far. Putting yourself out there isn’t nearly as hard as one expects and gets easier with time and repetition. Really, what’s the worst that could happen? You get told no, might get laughed at, maybe get hurt emotionally or perhaps you might even experience physical pain. We all experience these things throughout our lives and often let them limit who can become thereby limiting the impact we can have on others and limiting the impact they can have on us. Pain and discomfort, be it physical or emotional should grow us but often we let is shrink us. I believe there is a time and place for wallowing (I’ve certainly stayed and visited there) but that time and place is finite. You have to look back to look forward but I think that generally as a society, we spend too much time looking back and not enough time stepping forward.
Couldn’t have said it better myself 🙂 Thanks Suzanne for such a wonderful comment. It’s true that lot’s of time is spent looking back on the past whether for failures or success. I read something interesting the other day about someone being at a conference listening to a guy who was in the vietnam war. Granted, he experienced some harsh things and had a great story to tell but this was over 30 years ago. It seemed he hadn’t done anything since. Some people get caught up on a success in the past and fail to develop present successes. Some people dwell on past failures and are scared to try at success anymore. It’s really just a race with one self anyways. Here today, gone tomorrow. I want to experience all that I can.