Welcome to Live Limitless.
For those who are new to the game, this site used to be called A World of Inspiration. It was a fun site based mainly around travel and it introduced me to a lot of people who I now call friends.
At the same time, I was never truly in love with that title. Since a blog like this tends to blend in with it’s “writer’s” personality, I felt I needed to come up with something that means a lot more to me.
A World of Inspiration sounded just a little too oprah-ish.
Then one night when I was talking to my fiancé, she began to ask what I was like before I met her.
See, she met me in late 2008, just before I left to Australia on my first solo 6-month trip. Before that, and especially prior to 2004, I was a middle-class kid growing up in an oil-rich town in Northern Alberta.
Everyone around me made six figures and it was easy. I grew up basically knowing my salary would be over $100,000 with little to no schooling and my dreams consisted of following the joneses and buying a big house, a truck, a cool car, a boat, a snow-mobile, a quad, and taking part in those pre-fabricated all-inclusive holidays that many people were enjoying at the time.
That’s really it. Nothing wrong with it I suppose but then something changed. I began to think bigger. I wondered what it would be like if I didn’t work for oil companies like everyone else. I wondered what it would be like to really discover my strengths and talents and do something more remarkable. Something so cool that a book could be written about it. What would happen if I just left my town and setup shop somewhere else? Could I do something like that?
As a kid, I was such an entrepreneur. I created my own newspaper in grade 4 and sold it to some students in my class. I created a “fair” in my garage where kids could play games and win prizes. I captured bugs and sold them as pets. I set up a table at local baseball games and sold chocolate bars and Kool-Aid. When my mom’s friends stopped by for a visit, I would sell them food right out of our cupboards. Hell, I even organized a race once where I charged kids $1 and only offered $1 as the winning prize. What a deal…win the race and get your money back. The rest went towards management fees.
Genius. 🙂
Anyways, I wanted to see what I could do but had no idea where to start. The only thing I could think of was to leave and start fresh. I had to get out of my environment. I had to be somewhere new where no one knew me and where I would have to step out of my comfort zone.
So I left.
I moved to a new city and began a new life. I started pushing my limits and in the years leading up to that night when Karla asked me what I was like before I met her, I had acted in movies, learned how to sail, completely changed my physique, traveled alone to Australia and Indonesia for five months, climbed volcanoes, jumped out of airplanes, bungy-jumped off a bridge, scuba dived with sharks, graduated from a Dale Carnegie public speaking class, bought $800,000 worth of real estate before my 23rd birthday, starred and stripped in a live Christmas-comedy play, saved someones life while white-water rafting and partied with my idol Tim Ferriss on a warship in San Francisco.
She basically met me right after I had completely changed my mindset. I went from wanting a big house, a safe job and a nice car to wanting to be able to travel the world, act in movies, start businesses, scuba dive with whales, become a writer, visit every UNESCO site in the world, meet incredible people, help those less fortunate than me, learn an incredible array of skills, live near a beach, and basically live the most remarkable life I could think of.
As we lied in bed talking about my strengths, she turned to me and said “Your limitless“.
Wow. She was right. She summed up my existence in one word. I loved it. I have been developing a limitless mindset all along. I think big and I go after it. I reach out to people who can help me. I make myself vulnerable. I do crazy things. I create adventure.
As soon as she told me that I was living limitless, I knew I had found a “calling”.
Live Limitless was born.
It felt so inline with my life. I began to think about all the people around me that I try to encourage to do awesome things and realized I was actually trying to help them live limitless. I realized that my mindset was about living limitlessly. It was about letting go of limiting beliefs and launching oneself full-speed into life. Not accepting “Can’t” for an answer.
For me, living limitless is about going after everything I want. It’s about creating the world I want to live in. It means jumping out of airplanes and scuba diving with sharks. It means starting businesses and travelling the world. It means acting in movies and meeting people I admire.
Most of all, it means not settling for a life I don’t really want to live. It means not settling for a corporate job and eventual retirement just because it seems normal.
Living limitless is about finding yourself. It’s about experiencing life and adventuring out into the world. It’s about seeing or dreaming of something you’d like to do and then finding ways to make it happen. It’s about creating your own path if the current one doesn’t take you where you want to go.
It’s about not letting limiting beliefs get in your way of living the life you want to live.
So with that in mind, this site is designed to inspire you. I’ll be writing about things like personal development, travel, adventure, entrepreneurship, ideas, experiments and projects I’m working on. I’ll also be interviewing some remarkable people who have been pushing their limits and doing really incredible things in life.
This site itself is a “limitless” endeavour. I had never interviewed people before. I didn’t take communication or broadcasting in school. I have no experience. But I’m just going to do it. I’m nervous about asking the right questions and making it interesting enough for you to listen to. But like everything, I’ll continue to improve and learn from my mistakes.
I’m fairly new to writing. I’ve only been doing it for a couple years. It’s a very vulnerable act to share insights, ideas, personal stories, and opinions. It’s scary to put myself on the line and share the blog with the world. It’s scary to fail. But again, I’ll never know until I try. I’ll never truly learn until I start. There is only so much a book, course or blog can teach you. At some point, you must start, fail, and learn from your mistakes to truly figure something out.
What I want is for this blog to give you the energy and the permission to go after whatever it is you crave in life. If your craving to find your passions, I want to help. If your looking to start an online business, I want to help you. If your looking to travel the world independtally, I want to help you. If your just looking to help other people, create a business out of your hobby, learn how to network, start a blog, meet someone famous, or find Nemo, I want to help.
So with that being said, thank you for stopping by. Thank you for reading this far. Please say hello in the comments or send me an email. Subscribe if you think you’ll enjoy it. Share it if you think a friend would like it. Think something would make a great story or subject on Live Limitless? Tell me.
Because really, I want Live Limitless to be a movement and a community of insanely remarkable and friendly people.
A community of people helping each other push their limits and do some absolutely incredible things in life.
What do you think?
Do you want to Live Limitless?
Where is the picture of you on scooped out rocks (?) taken?
That’s taken in Southwest Australia at a place called Wave Rock. Looks cool eh!
I do! Excited to continue seeing what you can do